Sunshine Bouquet

Treat yourself to a Bouquet for your flower. Our new recyclable cone case offers a sweet stack of 20 perfect 70 mm ZoaMini ready to pack cones in an affordable addition to our Cases + Cones collection. Here is the “Sunshine” yellow, the color of warm and positive energy. All our cones are made with unbleached hemp paper and printed with our all-natural inks, all the better to enjoy the pure relaxation you deserve. Consider this Bouquet the perfect way to refill your ZoaEssential Tins or as a tubular companion to keep your cones safe when you’re on the go. Slide this into your purse or the pocket of your Zoa Rose hoodie as you head out to enjoy life’s beautiful adventures.
For those who need their ZoaEssentials more regularly, we suggest our Bouquet subscription -- a monthly refill for high quality ready to pack cones. Your Bouquet subscription includes 20 unbleached hemp paper ZoaMini Cones (70mm) in your choice of color, sent on time interval terms that work best for you. Think of it as an automatic reminder to sit back, relax, and enjoy!
Our Bouquet subscription allows you to sign up for a monthly purchase for $23 or twice-a-month purchase of our irresistible ready to fill cones for just $20, ensuring you’ve got your ZoaEssentials ready at hand whenever you need.
All subscriptions will include our monthly limited edition sticker sheets featuring one-of-a-kind designs from members of the Zoa Rose community.